Spill the VÉRI(TÉa)
VÉRITÉ may just be the most relatable artist I have ever met. I could write some super eloquent think piece on how she champions the millennial generation, but I like her own words on herself better: “focused and attentive, but also dancey and rowdy at times.” Her music can best be described as fun sad music. It’s perfect for dancing and crying, which just so happen to be my two favorite activities. I started listening to VÉRITÉ in 2015, right around when her Sentiment EP came out. I immediately dug the balance between power ballad and banger. Her voice carries over strong beats, creating emotional atmospheres that you can physically feel in your chest. She’s an incredibly talented vocalist, so it can be hard to keep up at times, but few things are more cathartic than belting right along with her. I cannot confirm or deny this, but I ~may~ have blown my voice out once or twice on long drives when I put my VÉRITÉ playlist on… VÉRITÉ has toured with many of the greats, like Tove Lo and BØRNS (!!!!), and she obviously picked up a few tricks of the trade from them. Her stage presence is astonishingly matured for an artist as young as her. Maybe it’s natural, maybe it’s Maybelline, or maybe it’s lots of practice and experience both on stage and as an Applebee’s server in NYC. Let’s be real, working in the service industry is more than enough to make anyone a performer. I have no doubt that VÉRITÉ could pack out a much larger venue and absolutely kill it, but getting to see her in an intimate venue was such an irreplaceable experience. She could really engage with her audience, both on stage and on the patio in the back of the venue. We laughed, smiled, danced, and cried together. Her music is emotional, and that emotion carries far better in a small bar than it does in a huge venue. It also gave us the chance to really see her at work, up close and personal. She not only sang, but also DJed and played keys. She doesn’t have to rely on tracks or other musicians, and being able to be so close to her highlighted her authenticity. VÉRITÉ joked about being surprised that the crowd didn’t “just come for the 1975 cover,” because it was clear that we were all there for her. Her first headlining show in Dallas sold out, and I can absolutely see why. Just before the show, I sat down with VÉRITÉ and asked her a few questions. Listen to the interview below! [audio m4a="http://kanm.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/VÉRITÉ.m4a"][/audio] Keep up with VÉRITÉ on social media! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veritemusic/ Twitter: @Verite Instagram: @verite Article and photos by Sierra Brown.
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